You might have seen that your local club is using smaller courts and different coloured balls. Hot Shots coaching has become extremely popular as a way to introduce kids and learners to the game.
This may not be the way that you learned the game, and you might think that your kids are better off learning on a full sized court. But in this blog we highlight ten of the reasons that the Hot Shots program is considered as the best way to coach young players.
Right Stuff
The courts and the tennis equipment are scaled to the appropriate size of the child. When kids first start out it is important that learning tennis is as simple as possible. And making it easier for them to play will get their attention for longer. Using one of the coloured balls on a full sized court makes it much tougher for the kids.
More Skills
The coloured balls bounce lower, and the red balls fly through the air slower, this allows the children to develop their technique as it gives them more time. As they develop and get older they can transfer these skills and move from court to court, adding more coordination and difficulty.
No Extremes
As the young players hit the balls more often in the correct zones, the kids are unlikely to develop strange grips and techniques that might hinder them later on.
Play Quicker
The children can serve, rally and score faster, this means they can really play the game and have more fun. And they are more likely to want to practice and play more often.
Tennis nations all over the world are using Hot Shots programs and the same trusted methodology. The results have been that tennis participation has increased across the globe.
More Balls Please
Rallying together, the young hopefuls will hit far more balls than if they were standing in line being fed balls by the coach. Less time is spent picking up balls and more time actually hitting them. The result of this is that the kids will develop quicker and also learn essential tracking and receiving skills required for tennis.
Tactical Mastery
Children develop a greater tactical awareness of the court and opponent sooner than on a conventional court. In short, the kids get to make the ball do what they want it to and not just cope with an oncoming ball.
Ticking All The Boxes
Red, Green and Orange tennis provides a systematic approach to developing different skills at different levels as ball trajectories change and the increased dimensions of the court need more advanced levels of skills. The kids learn skills in order as they develop, with fewer gaps in their technique.
Move It
The kids movement patterns are more realistic, the kids can learn to be “on-balance” and use proper footwork and movement patterns. Also more balls are returned so rallies are longer so they learn that recovery and being prepared for the next shot are essential.
No Robots
Players can develop a variety of styles and skills that suit their play. The slower balls and smaller courts mean that players can play in all areas of the court, and come to the net more frequently.
Hot Shots tennis has proven to be a real hit over the last fifteen years, and more children are now playing the sport and enjoying it too.