120a Fullers Road, Chatswood 2067
(02) 9411 1500

Sports in general are loved in Australia, and tennis is no different than any other sport both in participation and as a spectator sport.

It does really help the growth of tennis in Australia that the country hold one of the four most prestigious tournaments in the world. And of course the climate is most suited for the playing of outdoor sports that tennis has blossomed.

One of the reasons tennis is thriving in Australia is the plethora of top tennis clubs such as Tennis World Chatswood providing top facilities and coaching.

Although tennis only ranks as number nine of the most spectator list in Australia it appears as the third favourite as a participant sport behind aerobics and golf.

Tennis Australia

Tennis Australia is the official organisation which is responsible for monitoring all tennis activities taking place in the country.

Tennis has been so deeply embedded in Australians, that people of all ages play the game both to stay fit and to enjoy the social element also.

The popularity of the sport is so widespread that Australian players are sometimes hero-worshipped. Any player, who has been able to achieve the maximum success in a single year, receives the Young Australian of the year Award.

Australian Tennis Statistics

In a recent survey nearly one million Australians aged 15 years and above reported playing tennis as a sport. This is approximately a participation of 5%.

Players in the 15-17 age bracket recorded the highest participation (9%), followed by 25-34 year olds and 18-24 year old both at 6%.

Most of the participants (59%) were involved in a social capacity and about a third participated only on an organised basis.

Surprisingly three quarters of participants played tennis for 53 times or more in a year. A further 13% were involved for 27 to 52 times over twelve months.

Australian Tennis History

Australia was a little late coming to the tennis party which was seen initially as a sport for the elite. However, a much wider cross section of the country seemed to instantly embrace the game.

The most likely explanation for the wider social popularity of tennis in Australia can be found in the different social compositions and environments of England and Australia. It seemed that the relatively less affluent Australians would have the available land on which to build a court.

On top of this whilst tennis in England was considered a summer game it was far more likely to be played around the year in Australia.

Tennis gradually progressed in Australia from a pastime, to a recreation and eventually into a sport. The evolution of the modern game in Australia occurred just prior to Melbourne’s boom and the state of Victoria embraced the new sport.

The growing cult of physical fitness encouraged clubs whose purpose included exercise and fitness, which could be combined with a social function. Thus a massive growth of tennis clubs ensued.

There is no doubt from it’s humble start the game of tennis has blossomed and thrived and is a major part of Australian sporting culture.